Bromhidrosis - An Unpleasant Odor

Bromhidrosis - An Unpleasant Odor


Sweat is a natural process that regulates body temperature. Sweat can also lead to odor when mixed with bacteria on your skin. We're going to break down the science and list some options to help keep B.O. at bay.

Exactly What Is Bromhidrosis?


Bromhidrosis is a chronic condition that causes unpleasant body odor. The

affected area includes the underarms, groin, breast area and feet. Bromhidrosis

is much more than your daily B.O. at the end of a heavy work day. It can be

socially debilitating and weigh on the psyche thus limiting the participation in

daily activities.The odor can be mild or severe. Bromhidrosis is more prevalent

during the adolescent stage. When certain bacteria react with sweat produced

by the apocrine glands it releases a pungent odor that is very distinct. It can

also become worse after eating certain foods, medical conditions or taking

certain medicines. Bromhidrosis is diagnosed by a medical professional and

affects about 3-5% of the population depending on the source.

Therapies and Solutions For Bromhidrosis

-Surgical Procedures:

  • Can include the removal of the sweat glands
  • Fat aspiration
  • Laser


  • Can take a while to “ kick in”
  • Have a good amount of possible side effects

-Botulinum Toxin        

  • This neurotoxin blocks the signal sent to the sweaty area. This “ blocking” stops the over-sweating in the focused area of treatment

-Microwaves ( not the one in your kitchen)

  • Long term effects are unknown
  • Destroys sweat glands in focused area


There are also at-home remedies that may help, but still check with your doctor to make sure these remedies can be applied to your skin type. 

-Antibacterial soaps 

  • kill germs on your skin that can make you smell bad when they die off in your sweat or urine. 

-Deodorants and antiperspirants

  • Great way to fight body odor and smell fresh. 
  • But the chemicals used in most commercial products can cause health problems. 

-Sage Ingested

  • There are claims that Sage in capsule form ingested can help calm the body to decrease the production of sweat.

Other ways to minimize the odor belonging to Bromhidrosis can include:

  • Cotton undergarments
  • Clothes made from bamboo
  • Linen
  • Breathable clothing
  • Antifungal powders


Also check out anti-odor garments on the web. Thompson Tee has a tee shirt

with “ Odor Shield technology, the site states it is a natural non-toxic hydrogen

peroxide-based solution that eliminates 99.9% of bacteria in the fabric”-

Tommie Copper has clothing that uses their patented Copper Znergy to provide

anti-odor garments.


There are sites like Trend-hunter  that list multiple options of clothing labels with

anti-odor technology or focus. 


There are no endorsements on this blog article, just some helpful advice to help

you get back in the saddle…odor free.


Just remember; sweating is normal and it is supposed to happen. It helps cool

us down and rid our bodies of toxins. But excessive body odor that lingers may

lead to embarrassment and avoidance behavior. Talk with your medical doctor

about your options. Body Odor is no small thing  and the quicker you can take

control the better your experiences in life will be. If left untreated you can

become preoccupied with your smell, paranoid that you smell bad or become a



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