The Story Behind SHILDZ

Being a nurse, modesty is unnecessary. I assisted my patients with daily activities like bedpans, assisting with wiping, catheters, phlegm and mouth care just to name a few.  Yet when it came to body odor, the smell wasn't as tolerable. I knew my patients were embarrassed because I was as well. I hate having an odor. At the gym or leaving a restroom stall ,I could identify the same oniony musty pungent smell from people. I actually had a person ask me to talk to a woman because of her strong odor left behind in stalls after usage because I was a nurse. But I knew it wasn't an infection based smell. It was different and occurred under the same circumstances. So I began doing research and read up on terms like Bromhidrosis and realized it wasn't me or the people I smelled. The culprit was the skin bacteria mixing with sweat ( apocrine gland sweat especially).

I tried a few experiments on myself and had an A-HA moment and thought, if an antibiotic ointment can stop the bacteria that create odor, why can't nature?